Fishing trips

Lobster, Crabs & Mackerel

First Monday after the 20:th of Septbemer is the first day that you can go out fishing lobster. The lobster fishing season ends in November for private persons and in December for the fisherman, but most stop fishing after a few weeks. We usually continue until the last day.

We offer a genuine experience with a small boat that take you close to the islands and islets where we have our lobster pots.  Hopefully we catch a lobster or two. Besides lobster you have a great chance to see crabs, sea stars, different fishes, seabirds and perhaps a seal or mink. It is a rich and exciting experience. 

We offer accomondation and fishing trips all year around. Together with our partners we arrange different trips depending on your experience and needs. The fishing trip takes two hours and includes a traditional “fika” i.e. coffee/tea and cake/bun.

We offer fishing trips with our small boat that takes you close to the islands and islets where we have our lobster and crab pots. If you prefer to go further out on the ocean for cod- or mackerel fishing this could also be arranged with one of our bigger boats or partners.

If you would like to purchase a lobster or lobster dinner this could be arranged. We can also arrange so that you can enjoy a hot outdoor tub or sauna after the fishing trip.

Sea Trout

First of april is the most important day for all trout fishers. This is the first day when you are allowed to fish sea trout in Sweden. Finally a long winter is over and the shoreline is full of fly fishers and trout lovers. The water temperature is still cold but if you find a lee spot the strong spring sund will bring warmth to body and mind. Minimum size is 45 cm and maximum 2 fish/day and all others are catch and release. In the beginning of the season flies and colorful fishing lures is preferred. Slowly and gently you will be able to catch this lovely fish.


Fishing crab (May-Sept) 950 sek/person
Fishing Lobster (Oct-Nov) 1250 sek/person
Sea trout (april-may) 1250 sek/person
Catch of the day (fishing trip where we prepare and eat the catch) 1950 sek/person

Fishing crabs
Fishing lobster
Fishing lobster
Fishing trout
Fishing trout