Skärgårdsidyllen Paddlers Paradise Kayak & outdoor outfitter in Grebbestad

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Amazing place to enjoy and learn kayaking I can suggest for the beginners as well 🙂 Marccus is really good with the beginners and he knows you gonna fall 🙂 If the wind is calm and marccus is in good mood (which he is always I believe) you can have best time ! Try the guided tour suggested by marccus and it can be great fun 🙂

Ishan Parikh Avatar Ishan Parikh


positive review  Amaizing experience with winter paddling. Marcus is a very Nice person and make you discover beautiful landscape in the Best conditions. He is a very good guide that explain you everything you need to know about the place. We got the chance to see a seal that was curious of our presence. Thank to him and all his family for the hospitality.

Be Box Avatar Be Box
1 januari, 2017