Skärgårdsidyllen Paddlers Paradise Kayak & outdoor outfitter in Grebbestad

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    In preparation for a 3-day-trip with kayaks rented from here we took a intro-course with Marcus as our guide. He really knows his way around the kayaking scene and makes you feel safe and sound from start to end. Even with little to none experience we did not hesitate when it came to the capsize-exersice! The introduction even came with a nice surprise during the break, but I don't want to spoil it for others. For the 3-day-trip we were provided with maps and everything else we needed. I would definitely recommend Marcus and Ingelas rental and their services. 5/5! 🙂

    Regel Nummer 1 Avatar Regel Nummer 1
    10 augusti, 2019


    positive review  Almost one year after we came to Marcus's place, we are still very happy each time we remember our kayak trip in Bohuslan! We kayaked autonomously for 4 days, living on different islands with a great feeling of freedom. It really was the best part of our travel 🙂

    Celine Wellens Avatar Celine Wellens
    2 juli, 2019